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  • All season
  • Mud and Snow
  • Eco-friendly
  • All-season safety
  • Ultimate treadlife

The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

  • summer

Safe when new, safe when worn⁽¹⁾


The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

  • All season
  • Mud and Snow

For all on-road orientated 4x4 vehicles

Recommended by 90% of consumers⁽¹⁾
For all on-road oriented SUVs


The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

Acclaimed for its driving dynamics and safety⁽¹⁾.


The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

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