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  • All season
  • 3PMSF

MICHELIN CROSSCLIMATE 2, expert of the all-season tyres(1).

  • summer

Safe when new, safe when worn⁽¹⁾


The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

  • summer

For vehicles with the highest performance

Inspired by our experience in Formula One, it is the reference tyre for Porsche and the quickest tyre on the market*!


The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

  • summer

The perfect combination of safety & longevity

No.1 overall in the 2015 ADAC summer tyre test ⁽¹⁾


The information provided on the website including but not limited to the performance grading information may vary from the ones obtained according to the applicable legislation in your country ; the actual information is available on the statutory labeling of your country.

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